Wednesday, March 5, 2008

An amazing morning...

I didn't have to work today until 9am, so I was really hoping that Makenna would sleep in...

So this morning Makenna woke up around 5:45am. I hesitantly went in once I determined that she wasn't interested in going back down on her own. When I opened the door, she was standing at the corner of her crib like she normally is and whining because her bink had fallen on the floor. I grabbed her bink and gave it to her then I got down on her level and had a little conversation with her. I told her that mommy was very very sleepy still and that I wanted to go ni-night for a little bit longer and that if she would lay down for a little while longer, when she woke up she would go to Kim's and have a really fun day. She looked at me and I kid you not, said 'o-tay', popped the bink back in her mouth and laid back down. I stood there kind of stunned then realized that I had a span of about 2.5 seconds to make my escape before she reconsiddered the proposition. I asked her if she wanted her blankie back on and she said uh-huh so I covered her up and said I love you and she blew me a kiss and said ni-night.

At 7:30am, I woke up to a still silent home...I went in and peeked and my little angel was sleeping peacefully in the same spot she'd laid back down in.

I love my baby...I mean big girl!


Miss-buggy said...

wow!! Good girl Mak!! That is great!! WAHOO!

Loni said...

Isn't that just the BEST thing ever when your kids actually do what you want them to!! Especially when it comes to sleep. Congrats on being able to go ni-night again!!
love you,