Wednesday, September 26, 2007

10 weeks today!

I am 10 weeks pregnant today! I can't believe how fast the time has gone. I'm 1/4 of the way there. I had my first 'real' dream about the baby last night. Its a girl. she has the same twisted toes as her big sister and her hair is darker than Maks. But otherwise, she looked the same...and she wasn't huge! I am so anxious to see what we really are having, but I am getting a pretty strong 'girl' vibe again. We have both names picked out...Boy: Jackson Charles and Girl: Morgan DeeAnn. I am getting so excited about this baby. Daddy keeps telling Makenna to 'kiss mommy's tummy' and she looks at us like were smoking doobies or something! lol. We are going to be putting Makenna in a 'real' daycare soon. I'm kindda nervous about it, but we need to do it for many reasons. 1st, we're having issues with her current child care...2nd, we want her to get used to being around other kiddos and learning to share and learning that contrary to what she might believe, the world does not in fact revolve around Even though she'll always be the center of our universe! Sorry for the quickie, but I just realized its 7:15 and I have to get ready for work....will update more later!


Loni said...

OH, now I really hope it's a girl!! I am going to pretend that she will be named after me!!!(ha ha)
Boy or girl, I am so excited for you and CAN'T WAIT to see you again.
I love all 4 of you!
Loni Deann!!!!!