Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Dammit Makenna GO TO BED!

I LOVE makenna, I just really don't like the phase she is in now. I wish I could send her somewhere until this passes so I can get my happy-go-lucky, somewhat disciplined little girl back.

It is 10:30 and I just caught her downstairs (who knows where the damn gate lock is) again. Bedtime was 8pm, so we are going on 3 hours of not going to bed. I've tried everything, routine, no naps, spanking, reasoning, and she still gets up and cries/yells/hollars at her gate (when the lock is on) or she sneaks downstairs. The horrible bed time is just the icing on the cake of a looooooong day of her attitude. This has been going on for about 2 weeks now.

Everyone tells me 3 is worse, but I dont even consider this the terrible 2s I've never seen kids act this way. She has gone from a good girl to being an absolute snot. When did 2 year olds start rolling their eyes when told to do something, or saying "No you do it" when told to pick up a mess. If it gets worse, I fear for my sanity. She stresses me out to no end right now. Like I dont have enough going on, now she has turned into the spawn of satan.

Yay me!


Loni said...

This is going to be pretty long! I know this isn't what you want to hear right now, but your little girl is COMPLETELY NORMAL!!! I have discovered that at a certain age kids begin to think they don't have any control over their lives (even though us parents think they control everything). Makenna is just trying to take some control in the only way she knows being a little terror! With Natalie it started a little bit before Vanessa was born but became a much bigger issue when her little sis came into the picture. Makenna is probably still getting used to Jack and all the changes he has brought to your house. None of this is your fault! And really, it's not Makenna's fault either. Again, it is SO normal. There was more than once that by the end of the day I was crying and trying my hardest to find something to like about my kid. And it didn't help that I was stressed and already felt guilty about bringing home a new baby. Anyway, it does get better. Again, you don't want to hear this, but it might take a while. Makenna has to mature a little bit so she can express herself in ways other than being naughty. Recently I have seen such a change in Natalie's behavior. We ordered books about how to handle your anger and frustration without being a brat and we read and discuss them regularly. The other day she got SO mad at Larry and instead of hitting him or calling him a name she said, "I just can't be around you anymore" and went into another room. It was like the clouds opened and angels sang...she is finally getting it! And so will Makenna. Just hang in there and remember that you don't have to LIKE her all the time (I can pretty much guarantee you she doesn't like you all the time either). You both will come out on the other side loving each other still and with a much more appreciative view of the good little girl she will be again. I hope any of this helps. Call me. I am just here waiting to pop out another future terror!! I love you, you are a great mom, Makenna is a great kid, and "this to shall pass"!

Liz said...

thank you loni...i love you!