Saturday, January 12, 2008

Feeling pregnant...and it sucks!

Am I allowed to start bitching yet? I'm 25 weeks now and am already feeling very 'done' with the whole being pregnant thing. This kid moves around constantly and so much that he makes my stomache queasy. Kinda like the 'car sickness' feeling. I don't care for that much at all. I had another U/S last friday and it is amazing how much he has grown in just a few short weeks! He is looking more and more like a 'real' boy! I only got one pic b/c the U/S tech was backed up. My blood pressure is still high, but still just a point below where they become very concerned. They are still going to watch me closely and i will have another couple of U/Ss to make sure his amnio fluid levels are where they should be. The main reason I was induced with Mak is b/c her fluid levels were 1/4 of what they should have been and I guess with my high bp it can make the fluid low or something. Oh well, as long he is healthy thats all that matters. I have a headache now, so I'm going to end now, I'll get the pic of the U/S scanned first though...
Here's my hansome baby boy!


Miss-buggy said...

he is very handsome! I like the profile. Very good profile!