Sunday, April 13, 2008

Nesting is in full effect...

I am absolutely freaking exhausted after spending a large portion of the day at Power Play for Sammy's 5th birthday party. Makenna had a great time! When we got home, we had Mom over for dinner then she left and something just clicked in me. I HAD to get his room ready and the bassinet set up in our room and another load of his laundry done. I hung up all his clothes in the closet. Mak and I put all his tiny little diapers in the basket on the changing table. I got Maks room 'sort of' organized, got her clothes on hangers and got another load of her laundry ready. Then I cleaned the kitchen spotless (which I have to do anyway since we discovered mice now). I cleaned up the living room and got it organized. The playroom is a mess, but all of the toys are in there now. So I guess for the most part, Jackson can come home now if he would like...Please Jack, come out! 14 days until my 'official' due date. But I will be having my membranes stripped on Thursday, to hopefully get the ball rolling. I was 3 cm as of last thursday. I was supposed to have my midwife strip them then, but when I got in my blood pressure was sky high so they had me lay on my side for about 30 minutes and in that time he manuevered himself up high enough to where she couldn't reach high enough to strip them. My bp went back down to normal though, so no worries. I can't wait to have this kiddo! I can't wait to see what/who he looks like. I pray that he has the same temperment as Mak did as a newborn. Well we'll find out soon enough!